Dus Maha Vidya - Introduction
1) Maa Mahakali
the mosty superior among the ten mahavidyas of tantra , which give immediate
result to her sadhak , She can give her sadhak everything which is necessary to
live in this world , it give protection from bad influence of planet Saturn ,
and can fulfill all desires of human She give name fame , money prosperity to
her sadhak .
By attaining her sadhna , sadhak get all Ashtsidhis ,
MAHAYOGI Ramakrishna worshipped mahakali and attain all types of sidhi IT one
of the most powerful form of Godess Parvati.
Mantra 1)
Namah Aam Aam Krom Krom Phat Swaha Kaali Kaalike Hoom
Mantra 2)
2) Maa Bhuwaneswari
The Bhuwaneswari
mean the ruler of the world and by worshipping her one can achieve success and
victorious in every fields of life and become powerful IT is said that Lord Ram
had done this sadhna before defeating Ravan who is so much powerful that he
conquered heaven , IT remove the the malefic effects of planet MOON Whatever he
wishes is fulfilled, for he is bestowed with 64 divine virtues ( CALLED 64
Yogini) which help him succeed in every venture that he undertakes. He becomes
a virtual Man of his Age. This Sadhana can be started on first day of any
month,orAshtami,Amavasya(moonless night)
3) Maa Baglamukhi
Baglamukhi , who
is called the terror to the enemies , In this present age it is called that maa
baglumukhi can fulfill all the desires , It also called Pitambara Vidya , give
protection from all enemies and defeat them ,She give victory in all types of
legal matters , court cases and clear all the bad influence of planet MARS and
clear away the debts . She clears all types of tantra mantra and any sort of
black magic effects She Give total protection from all evil planet and evil
power in this world. It good if this sadhna is done in guidance of spiritual
IN Her sadhna all clothes , seat , flowers , garland
should be yellow , for counting the mantra use yellow turmeiric .
Om Hleem Baglaamukhi Sarva Dushtaanaam Vaacham Mukham
Padam Stambhay Jihvaam Keelay Buddhim Vinaashay Hleem Om
4) Maa Tara
Tara is called
the Goddess which give all round prosperity to the worshipper , She gives power
of speech , pleasure and salvation , she is also worshipped for the destruction
of enemies in tantrik method .It remove the malefic effects of planet JUPITER .
IT should be worshipped by businessman for expansion of business, name and fame
Ayeim Hreem Shreem Kleem Souh Hoom Ugra Taare phat
Mantra 2 :-
5) Maa Dhumavati
Dhumavatti is
the smoky form of Shakti. She is also known as the eternal widow, the Shakti
without Shiva. She is ugly and also called Alakshmi, the one who is without
Laxmi or radiance.
The Dhumavatti give total protection to her
worshipper from any sort of black magic , all types of court cases , protection
for the wealth and protection form enemies. It neutralize the effects of Planet
Rahu .
Dhumavatti is the Divine Goddess at the time of the
deluge, when the Earth is under water. While being ugly and fearsome, she is
blessing with her right hand those who can still see the Divine Mother in her.
The black crow on her flag is the symbol of dark forces and black magic.
The Sadhana of this Mahavidya can be done on any
moonless night after 10 p.m take a bath, wear black robes and sit alone in a
room facing south on a black worship mat. Before yourself place a wooden seat
coverd with a black cloth. In a steel plate place Dhoomavatti Yantra. On one
side place the picture of the Goddess. Next it in another plate place yantra
and Dhoomavatti Mala. 

Om Apsarpantu Ye Bhootaah Ye Bhootaah Bhoomi
Sansthitaah Ye Bhootaa Vignakartaaraste Nashyantu Shivaagyaa Apkraamantu
Bhootaani Pishaachaah Sarvato Disham Sarveshaam-virodhen Poojaakarma Samaarabhe
Dhoom Dhoom Dhoomaavatti Tthah Tthah
6) . Maa Kamla
Kamala is the
most powerful goddess to make you rich in very short perod , you can get rid of
misfortune and even a poor , unfortunate can reach highest of material success
by doing the sadhna of this Goodess It remove the malefic effects of planet
Venus ( Shukra) and by doing this sadhna with full devotion it cannot fail to
produce it effects.
On any monday get up early in the morning, take a
bath and get into red clothes. Cover a wooden seat with red cloth. Inscribe
"shree" on a steel plate with vermilion. On it place Kamala Yantra. .
Light incense and ghee lamp. Offer vermilion, rice grains, sweets and flowers
on the yantra.
Dhayaan of Ma Kamala
Kaantyaa Kaanchan Sannibhaam Him Giri
Hastotkshipt Hirannyamayaamrit Ghateiraasichya Maanaam Shriyam.
Vibhraannam Varamabja Yugmamayam Hasteih Kireetojjvalaam.
Shoumaabadh Nitamb Bimb Lalitaam Vandedarvind Sthitaam.
Hastotkshipt Hirannyamayaamrit Ghateiraasichya Maanaam Shriyam.
Vibhraannam Varamabja Yugmamayam Hasteih Kireetojjvalaam.
Shoumaabadh Nitamb Bimb Lalitaam Vandedarvind Sthitaam.
Mantra :-
Shreem Kleem Shreem Namah
Mantra :-
7) Maa Chinmasta
is a symbol of the perception of secrecy. She stands on the seat of white
lotus. In her navel Yoni Chakra are situated. The directions itself are her
apparel. Her two companions symbolises the two qualities of Tara
(dark) and Raja (medium). She is alive even though her head is severed from her
This severed head is symbolic of introverted nature
of accomplishment.
Method :-
The chhinmastika mantra should be chanted for
1,25,000 for the accomplishment of any desire.
Before starting the Japa the Yantra must be
Shreem Hreem klim Aim Vajravarochiniyee hoom hoom
phat swaha
8) Maa Bhairavi
The methods for
the worship of Tripura-Bhairavi have been described in the sacred texts for the
attainment of victory over the sensual desires and all round development.
Tripura-Bhairavi who is also called Kala-Bhairavi is the presiding goddess of
this decaying-world. Her complexion is red like the thousands of rising-sun,
wears silken apparel and has
a garland of heads around her neck. Her lips are marked with blood. She has
three eyes and possesses a moon in her crown. She has a garland in her hand and
is an embodiment of knowledge, fearlessness and boons. There is a soft smile on
her lips. Method - Any desire gets fulfilled by the chanting of above mentioned
mantra for 1,25,000 times and by worshipping the Yantra
Tripur Bhairavi mantra is:
9) . Maa Maha Tripurasundari
The Tripur
Sundari is also called Shodashi because she posses all the sixteen supernatural
powers Shodashi, who has the mantra consisting of sixteen letters, has organs
glowing like a rising sun. She has four hands and three eyes. She is seated on
the lotus, which is placed on the body of Shiva who is lying in a peaceful
posture. She has a noose, a hook, a bow and an arrow in each of her hands.
Eveready to shower blessings on her devotees, her appearance is completely
Sombre & gentle and her heart is full of compassion.
It remove the malefic effects of planet Mercury .
Mantra :-
Mantra :-
"Ka E i La Hreem - Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem - Sa Ka
La Hreem"
10) Maa Matangi
The lord Shiva
is also known as Matang. His Shakti (power) is called Matangi. Her complexion
is dark and possesses a moon on her forehead. The three-eyed goddess is seated
on the crown decorated with jewels. Her lustre is like a blue lotus and is
destroyer of the demons (forest) like a fire. In each of her four hands, she
has a noose, a mace, an axe and a hook. She is a destroyer of the demons by
enchanting them first with her beauty and a fulfiller of every desire of her
devotees. She is worshipped for the attainment of great powers, power of
speech, happiness in family life etc.
Mantra :-
"Om Hreem Aim
Shreem Namo Bhagavati Ucchisthachandali Sri Matangeswari Sarvagyanavashamkari